
Family Bible

A.1 for Good News of God!

LUKE "talks."

Prompts and commentary as you read right through the Gospel of Luke.

"Good News Compage" L.103,
based on

Luke's Gospel chapter 18, verses 31-34.

(PLEASE READ THESE VERSES IN THE BIBLE, and the following comments.)


Bringing to you God's wonderful message as found in the Holy Bible.


Jesus' infallible representative!

Are you confused by the many different religious voices? Each religion has its own message about God and each religious leader wants you to believe his or her religion is the right one!

God had promised that He would send the Christ into our world. Exactly as was promised the Christ was born of a virgin mother. 1*. He lived a sinless life and went about doing the things God had prophesied He would do - healing the sick and raising the dead. 2*. Even with all this proof people were not convinced that Jesus' message was to be trusted! 3*.

It is not surprising to find that those who ignore the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ are left confused and disappointed by the leaders they choose in His place. 4*.

Maybe you are saying to yourself, "If the Lord Jesus Christ was to come and be with us today I would have no problem accepting Him." Jesus is NOT with us in person today - for He has returned to His glory in heaven 5*. - but He has authorised for us an infallible representative that we DO have with us today.

Jesus told His twelve disciples "Everything that is written by the prophets about the Son of Man will be fulfilled." 6*. He was saying that "everything" the prophets had written about Him in the Scriptures was accurate and true!

What if just one mistake could be found about Him in the Scriptures? Then not only would the Scriptures be seen to be wrong, but Jesus would be proved false. Had Jesus made a reckless statement? No! He was stating that the Holy Bible is an infallible representative of Him. Every word the writers recorded can be trusted. 7*.

Jesus was able to tell His followers exactly what was about to happen to Him at Jerusalem! It was to be just as the prophets had said, "He will be turned over to the Gentiles. They will mock Him, insult Him, spit on Him, flog Him and kill Him. On the third day He will rise again." 8*.

But if Jesus really believed this was going to happen why was He going ahead into it?

It was because He loved you and me! Jesus had come into the world to become the Saviour of the world. To become the One to save us He had to be willing to take the punishment that we deserved from God - and He did this by willingly dying "for our sins" on the cross. 9*. And He did rise again on the third day - a Priest forever for all who would trust in Him! 10*.

Jesus' infallible representative, THE HOLY BIBLE, clearly instructs you to put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your only Priest and Saviour. 10*. He has already paid for your sins, and lives to give victory over sin to those trusting in Him.

Have you faith and confidence in the Bible message as Jesus had? Or will you refuse its message and still take your place among those who are confused by the many voices of the many religious leaders who claim to take Jesus place? 4*.

Read in Luke's Gospel chapter 18, verses 31-34 of Jesus' confidence in the Scriptures.

Bye for now,

John Nixon, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland. P31HD98.        Contact:  jnixonj@gmail.com

For the next reading from Luke's Gospel go to NEXT

In order to browse further "Good News Compage" prompts and commentary for Luke's Gospel check out the review index.


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Footnotes. Bible quotations from N.I.V.

1 Isaiah 7:14. Matthew 1:20-23.
2 Hebrews 4:15. Matthew 9:35.
3 John 1:11. 2:18. 5:31-47.
4 Matthew 24:4-5.
5 Acts 5;31.
6 Luke 18:31.
7 2nd Peter1;20-21. 1st Timothy 3:16.
8 Luke 18:32-33.
9 1st John 4:14. 1st Corinthians 15:3-4.
10 Hebrews 7:14-15. Acts4:12. 5:31-32. 10:42-43.

Check out the

Subject Index

for "Good News Compage" messages on specific subjects.

* * Bible Study Series * *

the following sets of studies
are free to download and are suitable
for personal or group Bible Study.

Each individual study comprises 10 helpful questions.

"Metaphors Jesus used."

13 individual studies helping you to view the King and His Kingdom
through the multi-facets of the Metaphors Jesus used.


Together the two parts open up each of the 28 chapters,
each part providing 14 individual studies chapter by chapter.

Seeking out lessons from/for the Church.


14 individual studies to to warn, challenge, instruct, assure and quicken Believers today.

For the complete list of Free Bible Studies currently avaiable go to