
Family Bible

A.1 for Good News of God!

LUKE "talks."

Prompts and commentary as you read right through the Gospel of Luke.

"Good News Compage" L.50,
based on

Luke's Gospel chapter 9, verses 27-36.

(PLEASE READ THESE VERSES IN THE BIBLE, and the following comments.)


Bringing to you God's wonderful message as found in the Holy Bible.


Genuine Christian apparition!

From many parts of the world and from various religions come reports of supernatural appearances. People are often left confused about what to believe. Let us investigate a genuine Christian apparition and learn what we really should look for.

This apparition was faithfully reported by Jesus' first disciples. It happened when Jesus "was praying. The appearance of His face changed, and His clothes became bright as a flash of lightening. Then two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendour, talking with Jesus." 1*. They spoke to Jesus about "His departure, which He was about to bring to fulfilment at Jerusalem." 2*.

Why was Jesus' approaching death on the cross such an important thing that Moses and Elijah would re-appear to talk to Jesus about it?

Jesus' death was going to be as important for those who had lived long before Jesus came as it would be for His disciples and for us living today!

The time had come for God to keep His promise by providing the Substitute and Saviour we all need. Jesus truly was the promised Messiah, fulfilling one promise after another. God had said through His prophets that the Messiah would be born of a virgin and was to be "God with us", and that He would be "pierced for our transgressions,.. crushed for our iniquities." Because He was to be punished for our sins He would be able to offer us peace and healing! 3*.

No wonder Moses and Elijah were interested in Jesus completing the work He came to do!

Do YOU see how important Jesus' death for your sins, and His resurrection, was for you? It is because of this that He could become the only one who could make you friends with God? Jesus is the only Priest and Saviour that can bring you or me to God! 4*.

Peter was so excited He blurted out, "Master, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters - one for You, one for Moses and one for Elijah." This was a sinful thing Peter had suggested! "He did not know what he was saying"! 5*. You see, God does NOT want any shrine man could design or make! Any hint of idolatry is detestable to God! 6*.

"While he was speaking a cloud appeared and enveloped them and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. A voice came from the cloud saying, ‘This is My Son, whom I have chosen, listen to Him.'" 7*.

God had given this apparition in order to draw attention to Jesus, His Son. He wanted to focus attention on the wonderful sacrifice Jesus was about to make for "the sins of the whole world." - for your sins and mine. 8*. Peter missed the important lesson from the apparition completely!

You see, the only "shrine" Jesus wants to have is your heart and life! Jesus does want to dwell in your life by his Spirit. God alone can give you His Holy Spirit, but He only gives His Spirit to dwell in those who will put their trust in Jesus Christ as their Priest and Saviour. 9*.

So a genuine Christian apparition draws out love and obedience to Christ, like this one did in Luke's Gospel chapter 9, verses 27-36. False apparitions will draw attention to others, and result in idolatry and other sinful devotions. 10*.

Bye for now,

John Nixon, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland. P31HD98.        Contact:  jnixonj@gmail.com

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Bible quotations from N.I.V.

1 Luke 9:29-31.
2 Luke 9:31.
3 See Isaiah 7:14. Matthew 1:22-23. Isaiah 53:4-6.
4 Hebrews 10:5-14. 7:23-28. 1st Peter 3:18.
5 Luke 9:33.
6 See Acts 7:48. 17:24. Deuteronomy 4:15-24.
7 Luke 9:34-35.
8 1st John 2:1-2. John 3:16-18.
9 1st Corinthians 6:19-20. Ephesians 1:13-14.
10 See Deuteronomy 13:1-4. 5:7-8.

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