Family Bible

The Holy Bible - God's good news.

ACTS "talks."

Prompts and commentary as you read right through the Acts of the Apostles.

Bringing to you God's wonderful message as found in the Holy Bible.

"Good News Compage" 53.A.

based on

Acts chapter chapter 15:13-19.

(PLEASE READ THESE VERSES IN THE BIBLE, and the following comments.)


Church’s infallible guide.

When planning a party or a social event, you have to decide who you are able and willing to invite. The early Christians had their own idea of whom God should invite to join them. Many of them thought only Jews should be invited – hadn’t Jesus Christ come as the Jewish Messiah? (John 4:22,42.)

This was a crucial decision for the newly emerging Christian community. Was Jesus a Saviour for the Jews only? Were those outside the Jewish religion not to be included?

At a special meeting of the Christians in Jerusalem, Peter told those present how God had clearly shown His approval of the Gentiles who had heard and believed his preaching. Then Paul and Barnabas also gave evidence of God’s approval of their preaching to the Gentiles all over Asia. (Acts 15:6-12.) Then James spoke up. (This James was probably the half-brother of Jesus Christ, one of the sons of Mary and Joseph. Matthew 13:53-56. Galatians 1:19. 2:9.) James said “the words of the Prophets are in agreement” with what Peter, Barnabas and Paul had said, and experienced. The prophets of old had spoken of the Gentiles coming to God. So, what God was doing through Peter, Paul and Barnabas was exactly what God had planned! God’s plans had not changed. But the hearts and minds of the Christians who thought God only wanted to save Jews, would have to change!

James went on, “It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God.” (verses 13-19.)

What kept the Christians from making a mistake in knowing which Christians had the right attitude, and which ones had to change? It wasn’t James, or Peter, or Paul or Barnabas, it was the WORD OF GOD that was written in the Scriptures. The Church’s infallible guide on all matters is the written Word of God – the Holy Bible. (verse 15. 1stCorinthians 15:3-5. 1stTimothy 3:15-17.)

LET US ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS - The purposes and will of God can only be known by carefully checking up in God’s own Word, the Holy Bible. (Acts 17:11. Psalm 119:9-11.) And God’s Word makes it very clear that God’s Good News is for EVERYONE. (Mark 16:15-16. Romans 10:9-15.)

The Gospel of God calls each person to put his/her faith in the only Priest and Saviour God has given, that is, the Lord Jesus Christ. (1stJohn 4:14. Acts 26:18-20.) That will mean of course, having to turn away from whatever, or whoever you used to think could save you. So, it does not matter whether you were a Jew or a Gentile, you need to repent – to turn around – and put your faith in Jesus Christ alone for your Salvation. (Romans 3:21-30.)

ANYONE who puts their faith in Jesus as Saviour becomes a true Christian - one of God’s people. (verse 14. John 1:11-13.)

Read how the Bible was seen to be the Church’s infallible guide in Acts chapter 15, verses 13-19.

John Nixon, Cork, Ireland. P31HD98.        Contact:  jnixonj@gmail.com

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